Sunday, November 29, 2015

Decking the Halls this December!!

Hi Everyone,

Happy Holiday Season!!!

I don't know about all of you (I know this tends to be a love it or hate it topic) but I LOVE Christmas.  I love snow, blanketing the trees, turning them into lace a glittery white.  I love twinkling lights, roaring fires and glowing Christmas trees.  All the additionally special sweet things to eat around this time of year (though, I always adore sweet treats), mmmmmmm, the best.  I love searching for personal gifts to give to those I love, which will make them feel treasured.  I love sitting down and hand writing each Christmas card, spilling sentiments I might otherwise not but because I am infused with the holiday spirit, I find myself expressing.

This month, LOTS of fun activities are on the on the bill.  Holiday excitement and entertainment is filling my schedule!!!  LOVING this.

Heidelberg Christmas Market (spending all of  Saturday the 19th into Sunday the 20th here with a great friend!!!)

Freiberg Christmas market with another wonderful friend, a newbie in terms of Christmas markets for me.  I am super excited for this.  Freiberg is supposed to be gorgeous.

On the evening of December 4, I am nearly quivering with excitement thinking about the boys choir whom I will watch sing carols in the Dom Romer cathedral (with another stellar friend).  I have no doubt this will be celestial and utterly magical.
For a taste of what this will sound like, look no further (click here for celestial voices).  
That clip is one of my favorite boys choirs singing my absolute most loved carol ever.  Oh my gosh, it gives me chills every time I hear it.

The Frankfurt Christmas market, of course.  In fact, I can stroll through this market every evening, if my heart so desired.  I just love the atmosphere this creates.  The air smells of spiced wine...sweet dough...cinnamon...and snow.  The lights giving the stalls an inviting and cozy glow.  Cheerful chatter heard all around and loads of people just meandering, eating, drinking and exploring.

I will spend a number of evenings baking delicious sweets for my local loved ones, as well as afternoons cuddled inside cafes penning Christmas cards to all of my loved ones (both near and far).  Always love doing both of these activities.

An evening out for drinks with friends (Christmas Cocktails ;-)) is definitely on the plan.

And then the rest of my schedule is just packed tight with seeing my friends nearly every after work, hitting the gym, reading, writing and preparing for....drumroll if you please...

My trip home to the USA!!!!!!!!!!!  For the first time in TWO years!!!!!!  I am literally just brimming with thrill and anticipation over this.  I am counting down every single day in wait for the evening that I will be in that plane and taking off!!  December 23 through January 2.  Just 3.5 weeks away!

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