Alex, myself, my ex Adam and her now-husband Dan began to spend a lot of time together. We went on so many fun double dates, more then I could possibly count or recall. So many fun dinners out, drinks and appetizers, movies, mini golf, ice cream, shooting guns ;-). We joined a family dinner over at Alex's family's home which resulted in many laughs. We went to lots of parties that Alex hosted at her parents house. The four of us watched some of the TV show Dexter together each week. Alex asked me to be a bridesmaid in her and Dan's wedding, which made me feel so honored. The years slipped by quickly as we all became close friends and shared hundreds of laughs and great memories together.
Alex's Bachelorette party! |
My Bachelorette! |
Alex and I ended up working together again once more, last summer 2013 at once again, another terrible job. However there was some major positive to this. One, we got to see one another and chat every day :-D and two, every day during lunch we would drive the five minutes to her apartment and watch the TV show, Big Love together while eating and talking. I always loved this. Or we would go to a nearby craft store and buy chocolate covered Oreos ;-).
Alex & Dan attended my 28th birthday party last summer that my Mom hosted at her home on a lake. I LOVED this. So much fun having them both there, along with a few of my other close friends.
We also went to NYC for a weekend together in January, 2013! Such a blast.
Before I left for Europe, Alex and Dan had me over for a wonderful dinner and gave me some lovely parting gifts. Alex has also sent me some very thoughtful and sweet gifts through the mail while I have been over here in Europe. One of which contained a beautiful bracelet that says "Friend" which I wear often.
She is a friend to whom I have come to feel I can tell basically anything to. She is supportive and loving. She is fiercely loyal to those she loves. She is deeply generous and thoughtful. She is SO much fun to be with. She has the best sense of humor which always provides anyone in her company with endless laughs. I always have a great time with her and her husband, Dan. He is also great. A warm, easygoing, loving and kind person. With a similar outstanding sense of humor ;-) love this about them.
Alex is a person I have grown to love, and a friendship I cherish deeply. I hope she is one I will continue to have in my life years into the future. I am blessed to know her.
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