Friday, November 13, 2015

The Countdown Has Begun. 5.5 Weeks...

Hi All,

Yes, you read that right.  In just 5.5 weeks, I will be in the USA visiting for the first time in TWO years!!!!  It both feels as though its been long (too long) and yet, it doesn't feel as though its been that long since I have seen the people I love, as I am still just as emotionally close with nearly all of them.  Now its merely a matter of counting down the days.

I literally could not be more thrilled!!!!!!  Its going to be a blast, without question.  I am so anticipating sitting with my mom, brother and sister in front of a roaring fire, lounging comfortably on the couch with a book.  Playing Just Dance in the cozy living room together, laughing and having lots of fun.  Seeing my brother again, whom I haven't seen in a few years now (as he will be visiting my Mom during that time too, flying over from Michigan to be there at the same time!), seeing my best friends (with whom I have remained in close touch) once more finally in PERSON again, and of course, last but not least, chowing down on some majorly delicious and totally American foods that I have been missing!!!!

As of now, here is whats on the itinerary:

Boston!!!!!!!!!!!!!  One of my very favorite cities in the world.  And the city I lived in for 5 years prior to moving over to Europe.

REAL American Burgers at one of the best places I've ever had them, Boston Burger Company.  My god, my mouth is already watering ;-p

Cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory!!!!!  (Because, sorry Europe, but cheesecake over here is but a hollow shell of what one is used to after having had American cheesecake, which is richer and much denser than cheesecake in Europe).  An absolute haven and heaven for a die-hard cheesecake fan like myself.

Galleria Umberto in the North End, Boston.  These guys are the real deal.  A few Sicilian dudes own this place and spend every weekday at lunchtime serving up thick slabs of cheesy authentic Sicilian pizza.  They open at 11am and close once they run out.  There are always, always, always lines out the door.

Georgetown Cupcake on Newbury Street in Boston.  This is an instance of killing two birds with one stone.  I get to stroll the ultra charming, ultra trendy Newbury Street in Boston while eating some BOMB cupcakes, with rich decadent frosting and moist cakey cupcakes.  Mmmmmm.

Harvard Square!!!  Always one of my favorite hangouts just outside of the city :-D

And Crema Cafe!!!  They serve up delicious grilled sandwiches here, really tasty desserts and the atmosphere is cozy and inviting.  This became a traditional meeting spot I had with a special someone over the time during which we became close friends, so I know this place will be on the list for us to visit when I am in town :-)

Skiing at Gunstock Mountain with my Mom and Sister up in New Hampshire!!!  We have always gone skiing here together throughout the years.  I am so looking forward to this!!!

And finally, just gorgeous New Hampshire during the winter.  My fingers are crossed, I am really hoping to see it like this... <3

And of course, seeing all of these people!!!!!  (There are a couple more people whom I don't have any recent photos of but who I am really hoping to see!  As well as a couple more I just haven't pictured here.  But these are most of them :-D).

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