Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Weekly Cell Snapshots

The book photos are taken when I am browsing within the local bookstore.  The ones I snap photos of are the books that catch my eye ;-) which I then add to my "to read" list.


This salad was good, but the part that was DELICIOUS??? The bread cubes/croutons which were were filled with melted cheese.  Mmmmmmm.

View from the window of one of my NEW classrooms, at my NEW job (which is totally awesome thus far!!!!  I LOVE it :-) what a complete 180 from my last job, just wow)!

I realize how totally dorky this is, but ah well.  One of my new colleagues is reading Harry Potter in German.  I was so transfixed by a trick with the side of her book that I had to take photos.  Check out the two photos below!!!!  How COOL is that?!?!?

AHHHHHHHH!!!!  Major dork moment over here.  SO COOL!!!

Brioche, my favorite type of bread :-D

Trying a brand-spankin new burger place out with one of my burger buddies!  Its called Jemys Burgers.  I ordered the Portabella mushroom burger that is cooked in crispy breading and filled with a bit of melted cheese. It was to DIE for.  I will be going back next week ;-)

One of my favorite streets in Frankfurt.

And to end this post, just a few quotes I am liking at the moment:

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